On 2nd November, Inspire co-hosted a one day strategy workshop for members and partners attending the conference in Oslo. The aim of the workshop was to develop joint understanding and nurture collective strategic thinking around selected issues of relevance for sexual and reproductive health and rights advocates working at the European and international levels.
The one day workshop "Strategising and moving forward beyond 2015" was designed around three consecutive sessions focusing on issues which are high on the agenda for sexual and reproductive health and rights advocates in Europe and beyond:
SESSION 1: Can Europe continue to lead a progressive sexual rights and abortion agenda?
Hosted by: European Parliamentary Forum on Population & Development (EPF), International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN) and Riksförbundet for Sexuell Upplysning (RFSU)
SESSION 2: Climate change: strategic opportunities to position SRHR
Hosted by: Population and Sustainable Development Alliance (PSDA)
SESSION 3: Financing for Development: After Addis, What’s On the Table for SRHR?
Hosted by: Countdown 2015 Europe