“Accountability for the post-2015 development framework: untappping civil society potential”

The strategy workshop: "Accountability for the post-2015 development framework: untapping civil society potential" hosted by Inspire Spanish members the Federación de Planificación Familiar Estatal (FPFE) and Alianza por la Solidaridad, was held in Madrid on 29 October 2014. It brought together 83 representatives from 43 civil society organizations working on sexual and reproductive health and rights policies and programmes in the framework of the post-2015 development agenda.

The event offered an opportunity to:

  • Foster  a  common  understanding  of  the  concept  of  ‘accountability’  in  the  framework  of  the  post-2015 development goals;
  • Articulate ideas  on  the  potential  roles  that  civil  society  organisations  can  play  in  the  post-2015 ‘accountability revolution’;
  • Explore  concrete  avenues  for  individual  and  collective  NGOs  actions  in  researching,  reporting  and reviewing government policies and practices related to the post-2015 agenda.


Session 1: Accountability: the theory

- “Accountability: unpacking and demystifying the concept”, Presentation by Victoria Boydell, Accountability and Rights Advisor, The Evidence Project, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

- “Accountability for sexual and reproductive health and rights”, Presentation by Professor Rachel Snow, Lead Author, ICPD Global Review Report

- “Accountability in the post-2015”, Presentation by Jara Henar, Steering Committee of the European Task Force Beyond 2015/ CONCORD (Alianza por la Solidaridad)

Session 2: Accountability: the practice

-“MDG-specific accountability: the example of the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health”, Presentation by Amy Boldosser-Boesch, Interim President & CEO, Family Care International

-“Peer review in a multilateral context: the UPR mechanism”, Presentation by Stuart Halford, Senior Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Sexual Rights Initiative

-“Using new technologies to track access, choice, equity, and quality dimensions of service delivery”, Presentation by Scott Radloff, Project Director, PMA2020, The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University.

-“Holding Institutions Accountable through Investigative Journalism”, Presentation and additional resources by Marcos García Rey, International consortium of investigative journalists

-“Budget tracking: Holding governments accountable for their ODA commitments”, Presentation by An Huybrechts, Senior Advocacy Adviser, International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network