At Inspire we foster an organizational culture that promotes knowledge-sharing in multiple ways that reflect the changing environment and the network’s collective priorities. In addition to sharing best practices and individual members’ experiences, Inspire facilitates collective learning through thematic and skills-building workshops. These meetings usually build on specialized in-house expertise and are jointly organized with member organizations.
Learning & training
Our most recent workshops
- 'Future of SRHR' (Brussels, 27 March 2018) More information
- 'Towards Greater Accountability for SRHR in Crisis Settings', organized by Medecins du Monde, Reproductive Health Matters, RFSU & EuroNGOs, in association with Countdown 2030 Europe (Brussels, 15-16 November 2017) More information
- 'Advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian responses", in association with IPPF EN and Countdown 2030 Europe (Brussels, 21-22 June 2016). More information
- 'Strategising and moving forward beyond 2015', hosted by EPF, IPPF EN, RFSU, PSDA and Countdown 2015 Europe (Oslo, 2 November 2015). More information
- 'Resource mobilization workshop', hosted by DSW (Brussels, 9-10 April 2015). More information
- ‘Accountability for the post-2015 development framework: untapping civil society potential’, co-hosted by Alianza por la Solidaridad and FPFE (Madrid, 29 October 2014). More information
- ‘Population Dynamics and SRHR: Effective advocacy partners for sustainable development and the post-2015 goals’, hosted by Population and Sustainability Network (Brussels, 20–21 May 2014)
- ‘CPD 2014’, co-hosted by DSW and Rutgers WPF (Berlin, 23 October 2013)
- ‘Anti-choice Opposition in Europe: Recent trends in the global war on women on the European front’, hosted by the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (Brussels, 10 October 2012)
- ‘Strategic Options for NGOs (SONGs) Part II. Advancing the SRHR agenda beyond 2014 and 2015: Forging a CSOs consensus to advocate within the ICPD and MDGs review’, co-hosted by Rutgers WPF, ARROW and LACWHN (Brussels, 21–22 May 2012)
- ‘How to Advocate for SRHR when Aid is Decentralized? Finding Advocacy Strategies Targeting Donors at Embassy Level’, hosted by RFSU (Warsaw, 12 October 2011).