Brussels, 27–28 September
The 2017 EuroNGOs Conference "Re:Frame. Promoting SRHR in a time of growing populism" took place in Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 September. This two-day gathering challenged thinking and stimulated debate around the rise of populism, its impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights issues and how to respond to this changing context.
The objectives of the conference were two-fold:
1) Provide a platform for the SRHR community to unravel political and financial implications of the recent political developments and put in place new narratives, share and collect best practices, techniques and approaches to respond to this changing context – at the global, regional and grassroots level.
2) Taking into account the shifting political landscape, come up with concrete strategies to use the global framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to mitigate the opposition to SRHR and to put gender, human and sexual and reproductive rights firmly on the agenda.
The conference gathered over 200 participants and was designed as a two-day dialogue, with parallel political and SDG tracks, between which participants could navigate and choose from 20 sessions according to interest and priorities.