Inspire is the partnership of organisations that act together inside and from Europe to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. We want to be a catalyst for action and progress in the field of SRHR.
We do this by fostering virtual and physical space for SRHR actors and advocates to exchange and share information, and creating alliances with other members of civil society that have an interest in SRHR.
We are a membership network of organizations working on sexual and reproductive health and rights in 24 European countries, collaborating closely with a wide range of partners across the world.
We work by convening and networking, generating and sharing information and knowledge, building capacity and alliances.
- A common vision: We strive for a world where all individuals have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and information and where sexual and reproductive rights are protected, respected and fulfilled as fundamental human rights.
- A common cause: We fight for the achievement of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights by promoting and advancing gains achieved since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo and the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and counteracting attempts to set back women’s rights.
- Shared values and beliefs: We believe in a human rights-based approach to development. We believe that sexual and reproductive health and rights are fundamental human rights and key enablers to achieve sustainable development and well-being — in particular, poverty eradication, economic growth, gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment, healthy lives, educational attainment and environmental sustainability. We believe in freedom of choice in matters of sexuality and reproduction, in equality and non-discrimination, in respect for bodily integrity and in the right to decide the number, timing and spacing of one’s children.